
artist, writer, poet, cultural worker, community advocate

artist, writer, poet, cultural worker, community advocate


artist, writer, poet, cultural worker, community advocate

artist, writer, poet, cultural worker, community advocate



Brianna "Bree" Jimenez (she/her) is a cultural practitioner that uses multiple disciplines to decipher her Afro-Caribbean/Latina experience. Ancestral history and generational trauma are themes visited to discern her origin and identity. She examines the social and systemic constructs that impact the BIPOC community and familial ties from a holistic lens. This requires utilizing historical context, lived experience, academic research, and creative storytelling to reimagine an often whitewashed version of a brown identity. Her Diversity in Leadership thesis work includes research on Black and brown women as exploited makers of culture and beauty as well as the limited narration of plural immigrant identity stories.

Jimenez's work pays tribute to a timeless tradition of capturing the ephemeral and how the momentary leaves a lasting impact. Cycling between faceless portraits, cityscapes, nature, heirlooms, and everyday objects, she carefully engages in her first-generation experience. Through her emotional weaving of narrative and visual elements, she invites readers and viewers to sit beside her and question what encompasses their identity. Her most utilized mediums include writing and photography. Her work includes textiles, printmaking, cinematography, and watercolor.

After years of conforming to the narrow idea of what an Afro-Caribbean woman was, she has broken past the mold to use mediums like poetry, photography, and digital creative avenues to tell her story. The BIPOC experience is often told as a short-sited story. She believes through a collaboration of art, history, academia, rest, and protest, there is hope to regain control of the narrative.



archipelago (freckles of islands), 2023

to build a home, 2021

pink matter

Chap book, Inkjet Print on Rives BFK, 9x12", 2022

visual arts:


special projects:


  • A Change of Worlds

    with the Duwamish Tribe, Jacoub Reyes and Sidereal Press

    funded by 4Culture and the Tukwila Arts Commission


    This 2-week initiative consisted of three workshops and two large woodblock print demonstrations with the community in the surrounding area in addition to multiple large woodblock prints produced in kind for the Duwamish Annual Gala.

    The Duwamish are the Native people of Seattle, and unrecognized by the federal government. Jimenez acted as the Director of Photography for this project. Additional administration duties included grant writing.

    Seattle, WA, USA

  • la sagrada botánica

    with Temporary Stay Residency

    funded by the Creative City Project


    "La sagrada botánica" is an installation and performance that took place October 2021 at Immersefest in Downtown Orlando under the Creative Director and artist Jacoub Reyes.

    This project created a bohio, a traditional Taíno hut, in the midst of the concrete jungle. Jimenez lead the visual aspects and fabrication of the hut, and worked as the gallery attendant for the zine exhibited in the structure. Jimenez provided digital construction for the art exhibit. She worked with Reyes to bring his Caribbean hut and legacy to fruition.

    Orlando, FL, USA


editorial writing and essays

  • "Our Aunties did That"

    an overview of Black and brown women as cultural makers and markers in popular culture.


    DECEMBER 2022

  • More than Hair

    a look at the cultural significance of hair within Black and Afro-Caribbean communities.


    MAY 2022



© 2023 Brianna Jimenez